Grandmaster Chang Tung Sheng established a Shuai Chiao belt ranking system with standardized requirements over thirty years ago. With slight modifications the same system is used today by the United States Shuai-Chiao Association. The system is similar to other modern martial arts ranking systems, with the exception of the black belt ranks, which are in reverse order. A first-degree black belt in Shuai Chiao is referred to as "9th Teng" rank.
Lower belts:
4th Chieh -- Green with Blue stripe
2nd Chieh -- Blue with Purple stripe
Upper belts:
9th Teng -- 1st degree Black Belt
8th Teng -- 2nd degree Black Belt
7th Teng -- 3rd degree Black Belt
6th Teng -- 4th degree Black Belt (Yellow)
5th Teng -- 5th degree Black Belt (Yellow)
4th Teng -- 6th degree Black Belt (Yellow)
3rd Teng -- 7th degree Black Belt (Yellow
with Red stripe)
2nd Teng -- 8th degree Black Belt (Yellow
with Red stripe)
1st Teng -- 9th degree Black Belt (Yellow
with Red stripe
Teng of Perfection-- 10th degree Black
Belt (Grandmaster)
Teng of Art --Founder of System
(Grandmaster Chang Teng Sheng)